Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Craft Fair!

If you live in the Huntsville area, don't forget to come to the Delta Zeta Craft Fair this weekend! I'll be there Friday and Saturday from 9-6!!!!

Pictures to come...

Saturday, November 15, 2008


This is a little belated, but congrats to Nikki who was my 100th <3! She picked the Mini-Firecracker White Flower Clip AND Interchangeable Headband!


Monday, November 3, 2008

97, 98, 99 <3s

My shop has 99 people who "heart" it! If you are the 100th person to heart my shop, you'll get a FREE flower clip AND interchangeable headband set of your choice! So, if you don't already heart my shop, go add it right now!